- Chicks & Started Pullets
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- silkie
These fluffy chickens are cute! They have the “awwwww” factor, so if you are looking for a pet chicken, get yourself a Silkie. These bantam chickens are gentle, quieter than most, docile and like people. They don’t fly well, and they don’t mind being confined. Their feathers are described as “soft,” “downy,” and “fur-like”. They come in many different colors and are one of the most popular breeds for exhibition. They are not considered good layers as they tend to be broody, wanting to set on the bantam silkie chicken eggs instead. Their skin, bones, and meat are bluish-black and they have 5 toes. Silkies are kept as pets, some breeders also keep them because they are exceptionally broody and good mothers. A Silkie will hatch just about any other kind of egg and will mother the chicks. Because they are so docile and good-natured, they sometimes suffer bullying by more aggressive breeds when kept in mixed flocks.
Sold straight run only. NOT SEXED