Developed in Britain in the 1930's, Cream Legbar have been practically unknown in the United States. Vibrant, sky blue eggs are just one desirable trait about this striking beauty. Another, is their auto sexing trait. Auto sexing is when chicks can be sexed just by looking at the different feather patterns. This gene is passed through to the next generation when breeding; Perfect for the small scale backyard breeder. Male chicks will have a pale dot on the head and will have little to no eye streaks, however, the little female chicks will have a dark brown to black stripe that starts on top of the head and extends down the length of the body. You can also see the tiny little crest developing on the top of the head of the day old chicks.
Cream Legbars are chatty, active, very curious and remarkable foragers. They love to investigate their surroundings and will tag along while you do chores. Charming does not even begin to describe this lovable breed. They tolerate cold remarkably well and it does not seem to interfere with their excellent laying of large beautiful blue eggs. $35. each
Chick Sexing Guarantee On standard breeds this procedure is about 90% accurate. This a means that you have a 10% chance of getting a rooster. If you ABSOLUTELY can not own a rooster, please purchase breeds which are sexed much more accurately. Sex links and auto-sexing breeds are sexed with a 99% success rate. This means your chance of getting a rooster is extremely rare. While we do our very best to sell properly sexed birds, please understand the difficulty in this task. We can not take back roosters that you can not keep. Health Guarantee We hand raise all of our chicks in the best conditions possible. They are fed medicated feed from the very first day and provided fresh clean water. Their room temperature is precisely monitored and they are socilaized as much as possible. Please understand that when purchasing baby chicks up to 4 weeks old, there is always a possibility of sudden loss. They require more care and closer monitoring then older birds. If you would prefer to avoid this possible situation, please purchase chicks at least 4 weeks old. We do not guarantee the survival of baby chicks once they leave our farm. We do not offer free replacements Vaccinations All chicks will be vaccinated for Mareks Disease. We have put much thought into this decision. For many years we did not want to vaccinate, due to keeping the chicks as natural as possible. Due to the extreme popularity of back yard chickens, more and more people are asking about vaccinations. Mareks Disease is starting to become more common, with flocks of backyard chickens popping up in nearly every neighborhood. This disease can spread through the wind or on clothing and shoes of your neighbors who have chickens. It is not harmful to humans, but quite deadly to most chickens. 80% of any flock will likely not survive if they are exposed to Mareks. The vaccination is given on hatch day to the chicks. Medicated feed is still recommended for the first few months to control coccidosis, which is a completely different issue than Mareks.